Friday, October 1, 2010

My Favorite NBA Team

I know that we are in Football season and loving every minute of it. But of course Lebron had to have some air time about how the race card is being used on him and his "DECISION". Give me a break dude, you are the biggest crybaby millionaire that I have never met. I'm sure all those who walked before you didn't deal with way worse race issues than what you deal with. Can Lebron find an excuse for everything? I think he is realizing that he will never win as many titles as Jordan or Kobe, and that every tag line for him is a fail. The "Chosen one", "The King", "We are all Witnesses" to what I am not sure of yet. Maybe if the Heat don't win the title this year it will be because on Oct. 1st Slacker Sports wrote bad things about Baby Lebron. Somebody call Harold Minor and let him know that the Baby Jordan tag has been removed and Lebron wants it, except he is not worthy to have the Jordan part, so it will be just Baby Lebron. So I don't really follow an NBA team, the Bulls were my team when MJ & Pippen played, and the Bulls destroyed there franchise for like 11 years, so it kind of killed it for me. I do like watching playoffs, but regular season doesn't do a whole lot for me. But I am declaring on this day that my favorite team will be whoever the Heat are playing. I don't want to see the Heat win a title, and in fact nothing would be better than a 1st round exit in the playoffs. That whole 3 man show they had in Miami was great if it was the WWE, where was the other Miami Heat members? Apparently they are so good, they are going to play 3 on 5 this season. Nothing says look at me like that production. I remember the Bulls as a team doing parades and stuff, but they were winning titles, and doing it at the end of the season. I don't recall MJ, Pippen and fill in the blank having a 3 man concert at the United Center saying look at how cool we are, we are NBA players that are good, and we are going to win it all, not just once, like 15 times. Good Luck 29 other NBA teams, I will be rooting you on.

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