Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Los Angeles Vikings?

As a Vikings fan I hate hearing radio personalities talking about the NFL returning to the 2nd largest market in the US. The reason why I hate hearing about it is because my team, the Vikings are running out of time on their lease and getting a stadium approved by the Minnesota government. Make things worse, who knows what the 2011 NFL season looks like right at this moment with the players and owners battling over labor disputes. It has been obvious the past 5 years that the Vikings need a new stadium, and they just kept getting the cold shoulder while the Twins and Gophers got theres. Then the dome roof collapsed, and the season went with it. Its easier to go to the Minnesota legislators if coming off a Super Bowl title or at least another NFC title. Right now the Packers are on top, and the Bears are right there too. With the Vikes having nobody at the QB position and the Lions getting better, how well does the Vikes future look in the North and in Minnesota. Here is the reality, the very successful Los Angeles Lakers started in Minneapolis. Then the biggest kick where it hurts was the North Stars leaving for Dallas and keeping the name as well. Minnesota is to hockey as Canada is to Hockey. Nobody thought Minnesota would lose their hockey team, let alone to Texas. But it happened, and it could happen to Minnesota again. LA is getting a stadium, and they are getting a team. The Vikes need a stadium, and it would be an easy move, which is the scary part. In this world, its all about the now, and as a business man you look at trying to be successful. Well when you see that the NFC West was won by a 7-9 team, you think we can win, and win right away. Competition in the West is not even close to the North at this point. And yes, Minnesota to the West would be so simple, because St. Louis would then take Minnesota's spot in the North. St. Louis and Chicago are rivals in most sports, and used to be in football many years ago. Its scary how perfect it would work, cause the reality is it may just happen.

Los Angeles Stadium image property of minnesota.publicradio.org/collections/special...


  1. But look at it this way Nate...

    If the Vikes were to move to LA...you could just come over to the BEARS side of the field...I'll accept you in.

  2. wouldn't I have to become a St. Louis Rams fan then? Ha.
