Monday, July 26, 2010

NCAA Football Probations are Not Fair

You may be saying, whats wrong with NCAA probations. Here is the problem I have with it, take USC Trojans. They got handed a 2 year bowl probation, and limited scholarships that they can give out. Most people are saying finally something is being done with USC, they cheat and now it has been proven. Here is my issue with it, they are being punished for things that happened when Reggie Bush played there. Reggie Bush is going on year 5 of his NFL career. He has been playing pro football for over 4 seasons going on 5. There isn't one player at USC that was even there when Reggie Bush was there, yet they have to pay the punishment while Reggie Bush is in a 6 year $52.5 million contract. Seems fair doesn't it? It makes no sense whatsoever. The head Coach Pete Carroll even left USC for the Seattle Seahawks. So the player and the head  coach that were present during the so-called violation are not affected by it, just the kids that were playing high school football when it took place. I understand that the University should be penalized if they were aware, but to punish players that had nothing to do with it while the player that had everything to do with it is sitting in a multi-million dollar mansion playing in the NFL gets nothing? That doesn't cut it for me.

1 comment:

  1. Some of those kids were in JR high when that went down. The whole thing is a joke.
